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Terms of Use of Market Analist Platform for Subscribers & Clients :

By accessing the Market Analist Online Service (which shall include web-based usage named as Web Portal and mobile application named as Client App any other app services provided by Market Analist) (collectively referred as the "Software"), you ("the User") agree to the following terms:

1. Market Analist (the “Company” or “Market Analist”) allows access to and usage of the Software only to authorised Users.
2. In the event that the User loses or misplaces the Authorised Login or suspects or has knowledge of any unauthorised access or usage of the User’s account, the User shall immediately notify Market Analist.
3. Market Analist shall not be liable for any losses incurred by the User due to non-compliance with the provisions of these terms.
4. The Software may only be used:

i. within India, usage of the Software outside India shall be subject to Market Analist prior permission;

ii. by User and its Authorised Personnel to whom an Authorised Login has been provided.

5. User agrees that it shall not:

i. modify or attempt to modify, reverse assemble or reverse compile or directly or indirectly allow or cause a third party to reverse assemble or reverse compile the whole or any part of the Software, display or merge all or any part of the Software with other computer programs, products or services;

ii. allow any third party to use or access Software directly or indirectly, whether on a time sharing, remote job entry, facility management or service bureau arrangement basis, without the prior written consent of Market Analist; or

iii. use the Software for training any third parties, commercial sharing, or leasing.

6. The User acknowledges that there is no transfer of title or ownership to the User of the Software or the System Documentation.
7. The User understands that Market Analist may at its option upgrade, modify and make additions to the Software from time to time during the subsistence of the Agreement, if any.
8. Confidentiality: Market Analist agrees to treat all User Data as confidential and agrees that it shall not and shall ensure that its employees do not use confidential information, nor disclose such confidential information to any person, except to the extent necessary for:

i. compliance with Applicable Law

ii. any other purpose for which the User may hereafter authorize Market Analist in writing.

9. All Intellectual Property Rights in or related to Market Analist, the Software and the System Documentation are and shall remain the exclusive property of Market Analist and/or its licensors, whether or not specifically recognised or perfected under local applicable law. Subject to the limited use rights specified in the Agreement entered or to be entered between Market Analist and User, no license, right or interest in relation to any Intellectual Property Rights is granted to the User any time.
10. Ownership

i. The User acknowledges and agrees that as between Market Analist on the one hand, and the User on the other, Market Analist owns all right, title and interest in the Software and System Documentation;

a. nothing in this terms of Use shall confer in the User ownership in the Software; and

b. the User shall not now or in the future contest the validity of the License Agreement; and

c. no rights to use the Software are granted by Market Analist except for the limited purposes expressly set forth in this Terms of Use.

ii. It is clarified that User Data, even when fed into the systems through the Software, shall be property of the User and the User shall have all right title and interest in respect of the same.

11. Restrictions during Trial Period:

i. backup of data is not guaranteed

ii. Notice of upgrades shall not be given, although Market Analist will endeavour not to interrupt usage during normal business hours

iii. Saving of data between upgrades may not always be possible thus it is recommended not to use actual client information.

12. Data History

Market Analist will maintain transaction details for five years for active registered Users. Transaction History prior to this will be archived and will be available only on request.